Boulevard Upkeep Rules

Owners and occupiers of a property with a boulevard to the front, side, or back of their property must maintain the boulevard at their own expense in accordance with all bylaws. 

The responsibilities of owners and occupiers include but are not limited to:

  • Keeping the boulevard clear of debris, refuse and other objects that may create a health, fire, or accident hazard.
  • Mowing a lawn on the boulevard in accordance with the property maintenance bylaw. 

Boulevard Definition

“Boulevard” means the landscaped portion of a Highway, such as a grass strip between the travelled portion of the roadway and the adjoining Properties or the center strip of a Highway dividing traffic travelling in different directions, and includes curbs, sidewalks and ditches. 


  • Hedges, shrubs, trees or other plants must be maintained in a way that does not obstruct the safety of the public or overhangs or encroaches upon any sidewalk or portion of the road
  • Residents are responsible for clearing snow from the sidewalk fronting their properties. Ice and snow from sidewalks must be removed before 12:00 noon on every day excepting Sundays and Statutory Holidays.