Park Hours: All parks are open 7:00am - 10:00pm
The Town of Creston maintains several parks for residents and visitors to enjoy. It’s very important for our community to have clean, safe, and inclusive spaces for everyone. We hope you can find the perfect spot to have a family picnic, meet up with friends, play a game of Frisbee, and so much more!
If you are interested in booking any of our parks for events please fill out the form below.
Parks and Public Spaces Booking Application Form
All Parks

Address: 1103 Cook Street
ʔak̓uǂni recently opened in the spring of 2024. ʔak̓uǂni, pronounced ah-kooth-nee, means “journey” or “the act of paddling” in the ktunaxa language and is the root of the word “kootenay.” The completion of phase one of this park is thanks to funding provided by PacifiCan and Columbia Basin Trust. The Town of Creston collaborated with yaqan nukiy to develop the park’s features, including the plantings and gathering circle. The installation of a large tipi marks the first on land within the Town of Creston in over 100 years, marking an important step towards truth and reconciliation.
The centrally located space is home to the Creston Valley Farmers’ Market. So, stop by to enjoy the park, and take a chance to explore nearby businesses in the heart of downtown Creston.
- Tipi
- Gathering circle
- Farmers’ Market (check out Creston Valley Farmers' Market for more)
- Benches
- Picnic tables
- Walking paths
- Rock amphitheatre
- Waste receptacles
- Bike parking
- Doggie doo bags
- Native plantings
- Overflow parking

Address: 1414 Cedar Street, Creston
The Creston Recreational Bike Park is located off of Cedar Street, on the west side of the railway and across from Millennium Park. It is a popular destination in the summer months, when bikers of all ages test their skill on hills and jumps of various sizes and levels.

Use park at your own risk. View the Creston Bike Park safety rules.

Address: 223 25 Ave S, Creston
Burns Park is a quiet, leafy green space located in the center of a residential neighbourhood, at the intersection of 25th Avenue South and Elm Street.
Don and Cis Burns donated the land and $300 toward the park in 1967. Don Burns was one of the owners of the Creston Sawmill, which was a major employer in Creston for many years.

- Picnic Tables
- Playground
- Restrooms
- Shade Trees
- Waste Recepticles
Address: 905 Birch St, Creston
Centennial Park is the largest park maintained by the Town of Creston. The park features trees and picnic tables scattered in a woodland setting. A play structure and swing set make this park a popular destination for families with young children.
Park Features:
- Baseball / Softball Field
- Benches
- Changes Rooms
- Children's Splash Spray Playground
- Covered Picnic Area
- Picnic Tables
- Playground
- Restrooms
- Shade Trees
- Water fountain
- Waste Recepticles

The Creston Rotary Splash Park was completed in 2008, in partnership with the Creston Rotary Club.

There is also a covered picnic area, which can be reserved for private groups for a small fee, by contacting the Town Hall.

Booking the baseball field can be done by contacting the Creston & District Community Complex at (250) 428-7127.

The Creston Valley Rotary Club in cooperation with the Town of Creston and grant funding received through the Community and Recreation Grant, installed GreenGym® fitness equipment in Creston's Centennial Park.
Features of Green Gym:
- Air Walker Double
- Double Tai Chi
- Hand & Leg Bike
- Leg Press
- Recumbent Bike
- Rowing Machine
- Triple Stepper
- Warm Up & Stretch Station

The Creston Rotary Club in cooperation with the Town of Creston and grant funding received through the community and Recreation Grant, has installed the Great Outdoor Gym Triactive Fitness Equipment Set adjacent to the Bike Park and Dog Park at 1414 Cedar Street.
When using the Triactive Fitness Equipment, please exercise caution, ensuring that you understand how to properly use each piece of equipment. Click here for a brief description of this equipment.

Address: 1414 Cedar Street, Creston
Creston's off leash dog park is equipped with benches (shaded in the Summer), doggie doo bags, and water for dogs and humans.
Rules for using the Dog Park
Following the rules when using the Dog Park will ensure that all park goers have an enjoyable experience, and dog owners avoid getting fined. Owners must be in control of their dogs at all times and are expected to pick up after their pets immediately.
Remember that all dogs within the Town of Creston must be licensed as per the Town of Creston's Animal Care and Responsibility Bylaw No. 1826, 2023 [PDF/591KB].
To Play in the Dog Park your dog must:
- Be a dog (no other animals allowed)
- Be wearing a collar or harness
- Be attached to owner by a leash when entering and leaving the park
- Have an owner to clean up any messes
- Want to have fun and be willing to play nicely with others
Your Dog Cannot Play in the Dog Park if it's:
- Under 4 months of age
- In heat
- Showing signs of aggression
- Ill or carrying parasites
- Has not been immunized
- Left unattended
And remember: Overheating a dog can be very dangerous and can happen in just a short amount of time. Limit exercise and outdoor playtime during the hottest times of the day. Make sure your dog has access to shade and plenty of water.
Address: Intersection at 11th Avenue North and Canyon Street, Creston

The Spirit of Creston Square provides an area for celebrations and festivals in the heart of downtown Creston. The location of the square might not be readily apparent, as on most days, the Spirit Square is the busy intersection at 11th Avenue North and Canyon Street. When a festival or event is scheduled, bollards are put in place to close off 11th Avenue North, and the decorative stone and cement work, benches, streetlights, plantings and landscaping form the backdrop to Creston's Spirit Square.
The Square was funded through the BC Spirit Squares program, and the construction was completed in the spring of 2008. The Spirit of Creston Square was officially opened by His Honour, The Honourable Steven L. Point, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, on October 11, 2008.
Please contact Town Hall to find out about booking the Spirit Square for community events.

Address: 1035 Canyon Street, Creston
The Canyon Street Walkthrough Park was constructed in May 1995 by volunteer efforts and contributions.
This park provides a downtown location for celebration and relaxing. The stage provides a venue for local entertainment and maybe even a piano in the summer months.
Please contact the Town Hall to find out about booking the podium area for community events.
- Benches
- Podium/Stage
- Waste Receptacles

Address: 16th Avenue South and Dogwood Street
Creston’s Millennium Park opened in 2004, thanks to an amazing effort by the Creston Valley Rotary Club and over 200 Creston Valley citizens, service groups and businesses. It is located on 16th Avenue South, at Dogwood Street, on land that was donated to the Town by Crestbrook Forest Industries. The park features unique landscape elements and a variety of ornamental trees. The locally designed and constructed Japanese-style garden was a generous gift from Creston’s sister city of Kaminoho, Japan.
The Creston Elks Club built the covered bandstand, which is a popular venue for outdoor concerts, presentations and festivals in the summer months. Millennium Park is also a favourite location for graduation and wedding photos.
Visitor parking is available in the lot north of the park. The lot is RV accessible and also has a free sani-dump, which is available year round. Follow the walking trail behind Millennium Park to reach the downtown area, and explore Creston’s shops and restaurants.
- Adjacent RV parking and sani-dump
- Benches
- Covered bandstand
- Fountain
- Japanese Garden
- Public washrooms
- Walking path
- Waste receptacles

Address: Corner of Canyon Street and 10th Ave N.
Rotary park was built and donated by Creston Rotary Club and is maintaine by the Town of Creston. It is home to one of Creston's favourite art sculptures "Bad Hair Day" donated by the Creston Valley Public Arts Connection Society.

Address: Located on the cul-de-sac at the end of Regina Street, Creston
A pleasant walking trail winds its way through the park, which features a small stream, large trees, benches and picnic tables.
The lands for the park was donated to the Town by the children of Fred and Linda Schikurski. Fred was a long-time employee of the Town of Creston and a volunteer firefighter. The park was dedicated on May 19, 1991, by Mayor Lela Irvine, in what would have been Fred Schikurski's 89th birthday.
The paths and other park features were constructed by the Creston Rotary Club.
- Benches
- Picnic Tables
- Walking Path
- Waste Receptacles
- Washrooms

Address: Centennial Park at 905 Birch Street.
The Splash Park is open from May 1st – October 1st annually. Hours of operation: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm 7 days a week
- As the splash park is not supervised, parents and/or guardians are asked to remain on site at all times and supervise while children play in the splash park and on the playground.
- Do not leave children unattended
- Use caution on wet surfaces
- No skateboards or bicycles on spray pad
- Splash park use is prohibited outside operating hours
- In case of emergency call 911
- Please report all damage or maintenance concerns to the Town of Creston 250-428-2214
The Creston Rotary Splash Park was completed in 2008, in partnership with the Creston Rotary Club