Alarms Bylaw | 1932 |
Animal Care and Responsibility Bylaw | 1826 |
Board of Variance Bylaw | 1563 |
Building Bylaw | 1394 |
Business Licence Bylaw | 1793 |
Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw | 1760 |
Cemetery Regulations and Operations Bylaw | 1824 |
Clean Air Bylaw | 1878 |
Commercial Revitalization Tax Exemption | 1988 |
Council Leave of Absence Bylaw | 1965 |
Council Procedures Bylaw | 1875 |
Delegation of Authority | 1855 |
Development Application Procedures | 1984 |
Development Cost Charges (Alice Siding) | 1463 |
Development Cost Charges (McLaren Street-Water) | 1331 |
Development Cost Charges Areas | 0898 |
Drainage Bylaw | 1417 |
Emergency Management Program Bylaw | 1960 |
Fees and Charges Bylaw | 1763 |
Fire Prevention and Hazard Control Bylaw | 1931 |